I was asked to do a presentation for some local growers this winter. I presented this slide show and was very nervous to begin with as it was my first time ever doing anything like this but it did get easier as it went on when people started asking questions. I thought I would share this here so that others could see it and help me add important information or correct me if I've misspoken. This is just my own personal experience and I am in no way claiming to be an expert.
Slide 1: Growing soybeans in Central
everyone, I think I know most of you but my name is John Kowalchuk and I farm
by Rumsey.
If at any
time you have a question please feel free to ask. Hopefully we will also have
time at the end to go through any other questions as well. This is the first
time I’ve talked about growing soybeans with more than 1 or 2 people at a time so bear
with me
Slide 2: background
First maybe
a little background of what got me thinking of growing soybeans back 5 years
I was
looking to get another crop in my rotation. I grow yellow peas and have good luck with them but due to the fact they can be tougher to harvest some years I limit my acres. Currently my rotation is Wheat/Canola/Barley/Peas or Soybeans.
So I did
some investigating on the internet of course and started asking seed companies if I
could buy some seed off them. It was a lot tougher to get seed then I thought
it would be. Supplies of early beans are very limited and companies weren’t
willing to sell them into my area in Central Alberta fearing bad PR I guess.
But thanks
to some nagging and the help of Mike Hoppins in Trochu I was able to get 2 mini
bulks from Dekalb 2 years ago. With none available locally they had to be
couriered in from Ontario. Then shortly before seeding they asked me to do a
plot for them as well.
Now I first
want to preface this presentation with a warning.
Soybeans can
be grown in Alberta but not in all areas yet.
I've had many people tell me the story of the neighbor who tried them back 5 or 10 years ago and had a wreck. This could have been caused by a few things but also could be because the varieties just aren't there yet to grow in that area. I've grown them 2 years and got them to maturity but long term I'm not sure so that is why I'll keep trying them.
I've had many people tell me the story of the neighbor who tried them back 5 or 10 years ago and had a wreck. This could have been caused by a few things but also could be because the varieties just aren't there yet to grow in that area. I've grown them 2 years and got them to maturity but long term I'm not sure so that is why I'll keep trying them.
I started
with 30 acres 2 years ago and then 80 ac last year and plan on 80 ac this coming
year. So start small and test the waters first is my biggest advice.
Today I want
to share what worked for me and what I have learned from talking to others so
if you decide to try them you will have a head start on where I began.
Slide 3: Heat
Before we
talk varieties and agronomy let’s talk Crop heat units. These are important in the development and maturity of all plants.
The above graph
shows how they are calculated
each day using the high and low temperatures.
We get the majority of CHU in August in my area of Alberta.
Heat units
slow down significantly in September most years.
Slide 4: finding chu’s for your area
CHU’s are
not as consistent in an area as you would think.
They can change drastically in only 4 or 5 miles depending on many variables.
First look at the average Chu’s
in your area by finding your closest weather station. I use the Alberta
historical weather site.
Go back 5 yrs and do an average using a start date like May 15th and an end date of October 15th
Slide 5: weather station data
Here’s some Data from my local area that I looked up
for the growing season in 2015. These are a good guideline for your area but we
all know our own fields the best and where our crops seem to mature better and
what fields are later. These numbers show us what varieties have a chance in
our area and even if it’s possible to grow soybeans at all
Slide 6: Varieties
These are
just some of the earliest varieties that I’ve tried over the last 2 years.
These varieties have their pros and cons. The earlier varieties sometimes don't have the pod height or even the yield to make them viable so be careful when choosing one to try and do your homework.
-New earlier
varieties are on the horizon
zero’s or early varieties are coming down the pipe and may offer higher yields in lower chu areas.
isn’t always the best P001 for example they are early but very short and low yielding.
Small plots will see heavy wildlife damage so I would recommend 10-15 acres minimum for a test plot. 1 acre plots may get devoured by Deer and Rabbits!
So once you’ve chosen a variety and sourced
some seed, maybe a mini bulk or 2. Here are a few things you need to know about
growing them
Slide 7 how seed arrives
Bags can be hard to get compared to mini bulks. I've used both and mini bulks are way easier to use. A unit consists of 140,000 seeds most of the time.
Slide 8 What makes them different to
grow -early cold
seeding is not good
Even though
they are a large seed they are nothing like peas. In fact they are way more
like canola.
Sustained soil
temperatures of 10 Celsius at 10 am are
needed before considering putting them in the ground. The first 24 hrs is so
important in plant development. Many studies have been done showing how warm
weather the first day followed by a week of cold days is better than a cold
first day followed by a week of 25. So don’t rush the seeding date. Even
afternoon seeding has been shown to have a benefit.
Be patient and don't feel they need to be in the ground when it is still cold. Wait for the ground and air temperatures to be warm. I look at the forecasts and wait to see a decent week coming up along with 10 degree soil temperatures.
Slide 9: Seed depth
reason they are like canola is seed depth 1” deep works quite well if the
moisture is there. 1-1.5” is recommended.
Most seed
companies will treat and liquid inoculate the seed before you get it. But you
should add a granular inoculant alongside the seed as well. Double inoculation
is important because this is a different Rhizobium to our area and it will aid in the
forming of the nitrogen fixing nodules. It is different from the inoculant we
use on peas so don’t get them mixed up because they will do nothing, they are not interchangeable. Just like
any inoculant it is a living organism so store it in a cool dark area and never
carry any over from year to year.
Seed is sold
in units which of 140,000 seeds. If your using an airdrill like me on
10” spacing I single shoot about 180,000 seeds/acre and the granular goes with
it. It usually works out to about 70lbs or so depending on the seed type you
The link below will help you to find the proper seed
Slide 10: Seeding
I use a regular air drill and direct seed but do see the benefit of less trash which will help the soil to warm up quicker. Tillage in the fall or heavy harrowing could help.
need to be kept separate from peas and chickpeas in the bin and in the field. They are hard to clean out of each other and could cause a crop to be down graded just like barley in wheat.
Dry bean
growers cannot grow soybeans at all. The companies who buy dry beans have that right in their contracts.
Slide 11: Special
equipment needed
very seldom go flat or even lean but the pods can be low hanging. Even to the
point where they are touching the ground so land rolling is important if you
have dirt clumps or rocks.
-A flex
header of some type similar to what you use for peas works great. I’ve used
both a flex auger type and a draper and a flex header can make you money.
-They are very easy threshing from what I have seen so far but it's easy to leave the low pods if you go to quickly and aren't keeping the header low.
Slide 12: Spraying RR Soybeans
I've added the fungicide Priaxor but most people you talk to feel that there is no benefit. I only do it because of my small acres and hope for some yield benefit.
Similar to spraying RR canola. 2 applications should be applied.
Viper can be used to control RR
canola but increase your costs and unless you have quite a few they don't seem to affect yield and only look bad.
Slide 13: Cost of Production
These numbers will vary greatly from farm to farm. Some of you may do these calculations and come to the conclusion that Soybeans are not profitable on your farm.
Soybeans do not pencil out to much of a profit till you hit 35-40 bu/ac.
Seed costs
are higher but no Fertilizer is used. I've heard up to $125/ acre but I think if you buy early you can get them cheaper.
Chemical costs
can be lower than some other crops.
30 bu/ac is
my number I want to hit to be competitive with other crops with benefit of
rotation. Long term benefits of having Soybeans in my rotation will undoubtedly help my soil and only time will tell how much.
insurance is available through AFSC through the New crop initiative.
Slide 14: 2016 Plot results
The above plot results show how some varieties never got to dry but yielded quite well. This is more than likely due to the higher chu requirements that weren't met in 2016.
Some varieties were close to dry and showed decent yields.
Slide 15 Marketing
In Alberta we have only a few options but I have had good luck with Marketplace Commodities and selling them into Granum Alberta. It's only a 2.5 hour haul and a good facility to unload at.
Slide 16:
I post regularly through the growing seasons on Mondays mainly to be used as a type of diary so I can compare year to year and also look back at development.
I use the hashtag #RumseySoybeans on twitter under @kowalchukfarms
I've also done a year end blog/history the last 2 years to sum up what I've done and learned.
I've had quite a bit of help from many people with experience growing Soybeans across Canada and North America over the last few years. They have been more than willing to share their grower knowledge with me.
I am very thankful to them and only wish to share what I've learned. Like I said at the start I am only a farmer and not an expert by no means. I put seed in the ground and try to do all the little things right and hope it grows.
If you have any comments or suggestions please contact me on twitter or through email at :
Below are just some extra slides showing plant development on my farm.
Slides 17-28: Plant stages and Info
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